A Southwest Confederacy?

A great article written by Missourian Bob Painter and orginally appearing on the Perennis Blog:

Singapore in the Southwest

An Economic Singapore in our Southwest? Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas forming their own country and unleashing Christian Values, Constitutional principles and free enterprise as a force for good in the world. Writer Robert Painter thinks it might be a positive thing. Bob works as an energy efficiency expert but is a person that has toiled his entire life trying to understand how things operate and why human behavior seems not to have changed in all the years it has been on the earth. He works to make people think about things in a different ways. This is a very hopeful essay by a man who (with his wife) spends his free time rescuing dogs. DSR
“I think the new world order crowd has under estimated us again and I hope that is true. Secession gives thinking people an option. This may be the beginning of something, let’s hope, there is no hope with Washington with its current system and attitude.”- Bob Painter

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