Not about Barry

Just because we criticize Obama doesn’t mean we’re racist.

Mysteries abound with Memphis Pyramid

From Infowars.Com

When Alex Jones and crew were traveling back from Chantilly, Virginia, stopping in Memphis was more or less random. But discussion of the “Great American Pyramid” looming over the city was unavoidable. Was it really built by occultists? If so, for what purpose? Was Alex’s memory correct about hidden charms found on top of the Egyptian-inspired structure?

Yes, we soon found out, after scouring the Internet for answers before shooting the now controversial You Tube video and subsequently heading downtown for some of Memphis’ world famous barbecue.

The business about the crystal skulls was reportedly first exposed in the Memphis Flyer by John Branston. In 2010, he recapped his original report for the Internet audience, suggesting that it was part of an effort by the Tigrett family to “activate” the pyramid:

In late 1991, The Pyramid was new and exciting. Befitting the weird building, there was a weird rumor that, during construction, workmen were paid to weld a metal box inside the apex. The installation supposedly took place late at night, with the mysterious box carried by persons dressed in black and carrying a transit pointed to the North Star.

One thing led to another, and in December an expedition of county officials and Pyramid management climbed to the top to have a look. Sure enough, there was a metal box welded to a beam 300 feet above the Mississippi River. Someone mounted a ladder and detached it. It was stuck in a vault over the weekend.

When it was opened, there was a wooden box inside the metal box and a black velvet box inside the wooden box. Inside the velvet box was a crystal skull about the size of a man’s fist, with sunken eyes, a sunken nose, and elongated teeth. […] The next day, Isaac Tigrett confirmed that he had placed the skull in The Pyramid as part of a … promotion called “The Egyptian Time Capsule.”


It was Isaac Tigrett– founder of the Hard Rock Cafe and House of Blues, as well as a follower of guru Sathya Sai Baba– who first suggested the curse, according to reports:

But back to the curse. The most ominous warning was given by Isaac Tigrett following the removal of the crystal skull that he had secretly riveted to the steel superstructure of The Pyramid apex…“You don’t have any idea what you have done,” he said upon being told that the crystal skull had been removed. He added somberly that the cosmic balance of the earth could be disturbed as well.

The Memphis Flyer also cites a number of failed projects and proposals at the pyramid, starting from the official opening. “Things did not go smoothly from jump. Perhaps this negativity was a harbinger of things to come. Rain postponed the festivities of the Big Dig the first night. On opening night, the toilets of the Pyramid overflowed at the Judds’ concert… There was even a fake bomb scare in the Pyramid, pre-911,” the report claims.

A blog also correlates the flooding issue, monetary failures and mounting debt, city & county officials who believe the place was cursed… even deaths. Under a header dubbed “Flush And Flood,” the blog Smart City Memphis writes: “Although arena officials had been referring to opening night as their “baptism by fire,” because of the rushed opening, it was a more traditional baptism – by water. When the packed house stormed the restrooms and flushed the toilets at the same time, it was too much for the city sewer transfer station, which flooded the arena floor with water of varying degrees of sanitation, giving birth to the so-called Pyramid test now conducted in all new arenas.”

Under “Death By Pyramid,Smart City Memphis reports that “More than once, it was muttered that the building was cursed, particularly after someone fell to his death from the rigging and a gunman holed up in the ground floor.”

So while all of that is wild indeed, is any of it “slanderous”? If so, take issue please with the source of these reports, not Alex’s larger synthesis of case after case of bizarre and cryptic behavior by the elites. Memphis’ Great American Pyramid was just a pit stop on the road back from exposing the elusive Bilderberg group, and the pyramid’s occultic controversies are likewise just another case example among mountains of evidence, whatever one wants to make of it.

Later in the report, selective editing in WMC-TV’s piece even distorts Alex’s attempt to explain how the takeover by the Bass Pro Shop is emblematic of the popularity of hunting, fishing, the 2nd amendment and the ‘good ol’ boy’ Americana mentality.

“You failed! Your devil worship failed! The hillbillies, the country boys can survive, the John Deere hat wins. You lose, we win, your big devil palace is falling down!” said Jones in the video.

Instead, WMC-TV makes Alex’s statement seem like a random non-sequitur before appearing to correct him by pointing out the plans for the Bass Pro Shop– as example of the pyramid’s triumph.

Below is Alex’s original You Tube video, judge for yourself who was misleading or even “slanderous.” Andrew W. Griffin of the Red Dirt Report also gives his analysis here.

Devil Pyramid Rotting in Memphis Alex Jones reports on the failing tourist attraction admittedly set up by occultists John & Isaac Tigrett. Long after the crystal skulls and other sacraments hidden inside were exposed, the ‘cursed’ pyramid is once again revamping, now as a Bass Pro Shop.


Announcing the AoC “Caption the Corey” photo contest!

Corey Meyer over at the “Blood of our Kindred” blog has never missed an opportunity to  belittle those who step up to the plate to defend Southern heritage and it doesn’t matter if they are man, woman, young or old.  With that in mind we at Across our Confederation feel it is only fitting to return the favor by bashing Mr. Meyer’s Yankee heritage by announcing our “Caption the Corey” contest.  Below is the banner that appears on his blog, use our comment option at the bottom of this post and send in your favorite derogatory caption that is fitting for these blue bellies.  The contest will run for one week at which time all the options will be listed on a poll, the winner’s caption will then be posted with the picture on A o C. Okay here’s the pic and let the Yankee bashing begin!-Webmaster


Racism Public Service Announcement


Confederate Memorial, Greenton Cemetery (Near Odessa, Missouri)

Kennedy Speaks at Heritage Dinner

Kennedy Speaks at Heritage Dinner.

via Kennedy Speaks at Heritage Dinner.

The reality of Black Confederates

Black Confederates were real and they fought for their country just as their white counter-parts.

From Southern Heritage News and Views via Facebook

Defending the Heritage

” Attack on Our Soldiers by Armed Negroes ! A member of the Indiana Twentieth Regiment, now encamped near Fortress Monroe, writes to the Indianapolis Journal on the 23rd. Yesterday morning General Mansfield with Drake de Kay, Aide-de-Camp in command of seven companies of the 20th New York, German Riffles, left Newport News on a reconnaissance. Just after passing Newmarket Bridge, seven miles from camp, they detached one company as an advance, and soon after their advance was attacked by 600 of the enemy’s cavalry. The company formed to receive cavalry, but the CAVALRY ADVANCING deployed to the right and left when within musket range and unmasked a body of seven hundred NEGRO INFANTRY, all armed with muskets, who opened fire on our men, wounding two lieutenants and two privates, and rushing forward surrounded the company of Germans who cut their way through killing six of the negroes and wounding several more. The main body, hearing the firing, advanced at a double-quick in time to recover their wounded, and drive the enemy back, but did not succeed in taking any prisoners. The wounded men TESTIFY POSITIVELY that they were shot by Negroes, and that not less than seven hundred were present, armed with muskets. This is, indeed, a new feature in the war. We have heard of a regiment of Negroes at Manassas, and another at Memphis, and still another at New Orleans but did not believe it till it came so near home, and attacked our men. THERE IS NO MISTAKE ABOUT IT. The 20th German were actually attacked and fired on and wounded by Negroes. It is time that this thing was understood, and if they fight us with Negroes, why should not we fight them with Negroes too? We have disbelieved these reports too long, and now let us fight the devil with fire. The feeling is intense among the men. They want to know if they came here to fight Negroes, and if they did, they would like to know it. The wounded men swear they will kill any Negro they see, so excited are they at the dastardly act. It remains to be seen how long the Government will now hesitate, when they learn these facts. One of the Lieutenants was shot in the back part of the neck, and is not expected to live.”
Sandusky Ohio Register December 31, 1861 Above From: Indianapolis Journal December 23, 1861

Missouri U.S. Representative Votes on CISPA


“Once again, Congress has ignored the will of the people.

For weeks it has been obvious that millions of Americans are steadfastly opposed to CISPA, the so-called cybersecurity legislation passed by the House last night that will allow the government to surveil Americans and deny them Fourth Amendment protection while on the internet.

Congressional leaders and members have come up with all kinds of lame excuses in order to push the bill through, including the absurd claim made by the House Majority leader that CISPA will create jobs.”

Below is the record of how Missouri’s U.S.  Representatives voted on this latest attempt by the government to take over the internet and kill the last vestige of free speech left in America.

No                                                                  D Clay, William                                             MO   1st                     0.214733776422
No                                                                  R Akin, Todd                                             MO   2nd                     0.899384492082
No                                                                  D Carnahan, Russ                                             MO   3rd                     0.332123268781
Aye                                                                  R Hartzler, Vicky                                             MO   4th                     0.680701281816
No                                                                  D Cleaver, Emanuel                                             MO   5th                     0.232046170913
Aye                                                                  R Graves, Samuel “Sam” MO   6th                     0.734983521295
Aye                                                                  R Long, Billy                                             MO   7th                     0.701760364477
No                                                                  R Emerson, Jo Ann                                             MO   8th                     0.60801430261
Aye                                                                  R Luetkemeyer, Blaine                                             MO   9th


Media Continues to Misrepresent Southern Heritage

From Fox 23.Com

“The Rebel flag represents the confederacy and is a symbol long considered racist but to 17-year-old Matthew Newcomb it represents his southern pride.”

Long considered racist? By whom? I remember growing up the Confederate flag was immensely popular on television, music covers and culture. The flag stood exactly for what it was intended to , Southern pride. But the PC police, along with help from the media have been very successful in demonizing it. Of course that is just one part of their plan, globalists , corporations and politicians find it much easier to carry out their plans if they can destroy the Southern culture of independence, heritage and individualism. Diversity is better for business you know.-webmaster

While You were Sleeping: House Passes Intrusive Internet Bill

This bill effectively eliminates the 4th amendment to the Constitution and was shoved through “under the radar”. It now goes to the U.S. Senate so it is of great importance you contact your senator and tell them not to vote for it. You can find your senators contact info at: