Category Archives: War Crimes

Happy Tax Enslavement Day

Failed, Failed and then...successful at being a stealing, murdering, despot!

Thomas DiLorenzo April 17, 2012

Today is “tax day,” the first of which in American history was the work of — you guessed it — Dishonest Abe in 1862. It was The Great Railroad Lobbyist/Protectionist/Inflationist/Corporate Welfare Statist/Warmonger president who gave us the first “progressive” income tax.

Lincoln’s chief tax collector, David A. Wells (head of the U.S. Revenue Commission) expressed the basic theme of governmental plunder through income taxation (which was not permitted by the Constitution at the time) when he said: “Wherever you find an article, a product, a trade, a profession, or a source of income, tax it!”


Lincoln Flagged!

A very special “shout out” and “rebel yell” to Mr. Billy Bearden for “flagging” Abe Lincoln!  Old Abe probably hasn’t had a day that bad since John Wilkes Booth administered his famous headache remedy at Ford’s Theater.

– Webmaster

Is America in the midst of a Coup d’e’tat ?

Alex Jones: “This represents absolute 100 per cent proof that the military industrial complex which runs the United States is under the control of foreign central banks who are imposing a military dictatorship.” is reporting today that:

“The Pentagon is engaging in damage control after shocking testimony yesterday by Defense Secretary Leon Panetta at a Senate Armed Services Committee congressional hearing during which it was confirmed that the U.S. government is now completely beholden to international power structures and that the legislative branch is a worthless relic.

During the hearing yesterday Panetta and Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Gen. Martin Dempsey brazenly admitted that their authority comes not from the U.S. Constitution, but that the United States is subservient to and takes its marching orders from the United Nations and NATO, international bodies over which the American people have no democratic influence.

Panetta was asked by Senator Jeff Sessions, “We spend our time worrying about the U.N., the Arab League, NATO and too little time, in my opinion, worrying about the elected representatives of the United States. As you go forward, will you consult with the United States Congress?”

The Defense Secretary responded “You know, our goal would be to seek international permission. And we would come to the Congress and inform you and determine how best to approach this, whether or not we would want to get permission from the Congress.”

Despite Sessions’ repeated efforts to get Panetta to acknowledge that the United States Congress is supreme to the likes of NATO and the UN, Panetta exalted the power of international bodies over the US legislative branch.

“I’m really baffled by the idea that somehow an international assembly provides a legal basis for the United States military to be deployed in combat,” Sessions said. “I don’t believe it’s close to being correct. They provide no legal authority. The only legal authority that’s required to deploy the United States military is of the Congress and the president and the law and the Constitution.”

Infowars continued stating:

“In June last year, President Obama arrogantly expressed his hostility to the rule of law when he dismissed the need to get congressional authorization to commit the United States to a military intervention in Libya, churlishly dismissing criticism and remarking, “I don’t even have to get to the Constitutional question.”

Obama tried to legitimize his failure to obtain Congressional approval for military involvement by sending a letter to Speaker of the House John Boehner in which he said the military assault was “authorized by the United Nations (U.N.) Security Council.”

Panetta’s testimony that the US looks to obtain “international permission” before it acts, allied with Obama citing the UN as the supreme authority while trashing the power of Congress, prove that the United States has ceded control over its own affairs to unelected international bureaucrats, just as the countries of the European Union have done likewise.”

Wikipedia describes a Coup d’ e’tat as:

A coup d’état (English: /ˌkuːdeɪˈtɑː/, French: [ku deta]; plural: coups d’état; translation: strike (against the) state, literally: strike/blow of state)—also known as a coup, putsch,and overthrow—is the sudden, illegal deposition of a government,[1][2][3][4] usually by a small group of the existing state establishment—typically the military—to replace the deposed government with another body; either civil or military. A coup d’état succeeds if the usurpers establish their dominance when the incumbent government fails to prevent or successfully resist their consolidation of power. If the coup neither fully fails nor achieves overall success, the attempted coup d’état is likely to lead to a civil war.

Typically, a coup d’état uses the extant government’s power to assume political control of the country. In Coup d’État: A Practical Handbook, military historian Edward Luttwak says, “A coup consists of the infiltration of a small, but critical, segment of the state apparatus, which is then used to displace the government from its control of the remainder”, thus, armed force (either military or paramilitary) is not a defining feature of a coup d’état.”

Lincolnites and Black Confederates

Kevin Levin a "historian" who is embraced by the mainstream for his denigration of Black Confederates.

Historian Kevin Levin has made into the very distinguished ‘The Atlantic’ magazine. The subject? Black Confederates of course. Or should I say the denigration of African-Americans contributions to the Confederacy?

The mere title is condescending. Levin writes: “More representative of the experience of “Confederate slaves” were those impressed by individual states and the Confederate government for various war-related projects such as the building of fortifications and roads.  In fact, as the number of body servants dropped, the number of impressed slaves continued to rise as a result of legislation on the state and federal levels.  Yet, the SCV/UDC have little to say about these men.Of course, it is not difficult to surmise as to why.  The first problem is that most people are not even aware that tens of thousands of slaves were impressed during the war.  It’s a measure of where we are in terms of our popular understanding of how African-Americans experienced the war. What is important to keep in mind, however, is that there is no difference between the legal statusof body servants and those who were impressed.  They were all legally owned.”

The real reason “Lincolnites” like Levin must belittle the contribution of African-Americans in the Confederacy is because in order to maintain the “myth” of Honest Abe the Emancipator the war has to be about slavery.  African-American Confederate Veterans can not be given the respect they deserve because if they are, people will question the real reasons for the war. Taxation, states rights, constitutionalists versus those who favored giving more power to a central government these were the reasons for the war then and they are reasons for the ongoing political fight in this country now.

Yes, African-Americans were impressed for service into the Confederacy just as they were “liberated” and given the opportunity to “fight for their freedom” by the Federal Government of the North. Just as both White and Black men were “drafted” into the service up to and through the Vietnam Conflict. Does this mean that any soldier impressed into service should not be honored for their service? Of course not.

Lincolnites like Kevin Levin deliberately , conveniently do not mention men like John Noland, Henry Wilson and John Lobb. All three of these men were from Missouri, fought with William Quantrill and were black.

In the book “Quantrill at Lawrence” author Paul R. Petersen gives a detailed account of the contribution of these Black Confederates.

Of Noland, Petersen writes that John T. Noland was entrusted by Quantrill to scout the town of Lawrence , Kansas before his August, 1863 raid on the town and that “John T. Noland was born in 1844. He was one of several black men who served under Quantrill . Noland showed himself a brave soldier by his conspicuous actions during the first battle of Independence and the battle of Lamar. At Noland’s  funeral all of his pallbearers were white. He was described as “a man among men”. His gravestone in Woodlawn Cemetery in Independence {Missouri} denotes his service with Quantrill as a scout”

Noland  later recounted that: ” I being a colored man I had the advantage of any white man as a spy… t was then the Col. {Quantrill} sent for me to meet him on the Little Blue River, and it was there that I received my final instruction, which was to find out the number of soldiers quartered in Lawrence, and if there were any in the vicinity”

Petersen’s book also gives great information for anyone wishing to set the record straight as to the practice of being “impressed” into service writing of Henry Wilson , Petersen notes that: “Wilson was kidnapped by Jayhawkers early in the war and was on his way to Kansas when he escaped. Wilson who lived near Independence chose to remain in Quantrill”s band rather than accept his freedom. He told those around him, ‘ I observed with my own eyes , the stealing, plundering and burning of homes of the people of this country by bands of ‘Red Legs’ even to the enticing of slaves into Kansas. I joined Quantrill when Master Wilson moved to Texas to run the blockade at Independence, carrying supplies to Quantrill and his men”.

Of Lobb, Petersen writes that: “John Lobb was also sent into Lawrence, but William Gregg remembered, “Lobb did not get back before we had started. He met us on the way and told us that Lane had left town”.

There you have it. Three men. Three Black men who fought for the Confederacy under Quantrill. All three entrusted to scout the town of Lawrence, Kansas prior to the great raid at great personal risk to themselves.  All three men, who voluntarily fought for the Missouri guerrilla fighter.

It is quite the story. A story that Lincolnites like Kevin Levin do not want others to hear because it raises questions as to the real reasons of the war  and exposes the myth of Lincoln being the “Great Emancipator”.

– Clint E. Lacy

Serves as the Press Officer for the Colonel John T. Coffee Camp #1934, Missouri Division, Sons of Confederate Veterans.

Mo. Sons of Confederate Veterans Calls for Hate Crimes Prosecution

Press Release: 10/16/2011

Missouri Division, Sons of Confederate Veterans Calls for Hate-Crimes prosecution for Perpetrators of Monument Vandalism



Contact: Commander Jim England-

Contact: Clint E. Lacy –  573.208.5916


The Tuesday, October 11, 2011 Southeast Missourian newspaper found at the following URL,  carried a story about a Cape Girardeau, Mo. Confederate monument being vandalized.

This seemingly isolated incident is one of many that are occurring throughout the South. Monuments honoring veterans who fought for the Confederate States of America have been maligned by politicians on both sides of the aisle as well as media outlets.

Political Correctness has run amok. It has infiltrated our schools and our communities, resulting in the “dumbing down” of our students, our citizens, our family, friends and neighbors and the end result is ignorance, the latest display of which happens to be the vandalizing of a monument to soldiers from Cape Girardeau County and Southeast Missouri who gave their lives for their homes, their families, their ideals and their country.

The 1964 Federal Civil Rights Law, 18 U.S.C.§ 245(b)(2), permits federal prosecution of anyone who “willingly injures, intimidates or interferes with another person, or attempts to do so, by force because of the other person’s race, color, religion or national origin”

The Missouri Sons of Confederate Veterans strongly condemns the vandalizing of veterans monuments and calls for the swift prosecution of those who perpetrate these types of acts as hate crimes.


Cape Girardeau Confederate Monument Vandalised

From the Southeast Missourian newspaper 10/12/11

Photo from the Southeast Missourian newspaper

“A Civil War monument on the grounds of the Common Pleas Courthouse in Cape Girardeau was struck by vandals who spray-painted both sides of the shrine with apparent pro-Union sentiments, nearly 150 years after the last shot was fired.

A two-man crew scrubbed black paint off the monument Tuesday morning. The men, from Marble Hill, Mo.-based Liley Monuments, said they hoped it would be graffiti-free by Tuesday afternoon.

But the message could still be read early Tuesday afternoon. “Go south” was written on the front of the shrine that sits along Lorimier Street near the fountain. That apparently was a request that the marker be moved, not a pro-South message. “We are in the union,” read the words on the back. “Obscene. Remove to [illegible] cemetary (sic) in the south.”

The workers from Liley said Tuesday afternoon they had tried industrial solvent and paint thinner, and the words were faded but still visible. One of the workers said getting the paint completely off Tuesday didn’t “look favorable,” but they would continue working through the afternoon.

By 3 p.m., a blue tarp had been wrapped around the monument and the workers were gone.”

Osceola Cheese is Hurting???

Excuse me, but it looked like Osceola Cheese was doing brisk business the day that this interview was filmed.  Amazing given the fact that Osceola Cheese General Manger Chris Hannah said he received an astounding 6 emails from Kansas that were negative.  Not only was Osceola Cheese doing brisk business the day the above interview was filmed (Sept. 23, 2011) but in another tv interview found by clicking on THIS LINK, Hannah adds that he’s now getting negative emails from “both sides” and that he didn’t have a say in the resolution , ( note to Hannah: you can call City Hall and ask them what is on the agenda) Although in this news interview the anchorman actually makes note of just how busy the store was.

This is a nice twist by the media, and the Liberals of kU. They are trying to make the case that this resolution is damaging the town’s prosperity while at the same time trying to de-emphasize the fact that was done by Kansans 150 years ago.

This is like anything else Civil War related, when you expose the truth about Yankee atrocities , they get their feathers ruffled ( pun intended).

Hypocrisy Rules in KU Leadership Reaction to Osceola Resolution

From the Marble Hill Constitution-News:

On September 15th, 2011 the Columbia Daily-Tribune published an article that gained national attention in the news media. Who would have thought that the national spotlight would be on a small southwest Missouri town. But that is exactly what happened to Osceola, Missouri when the Tribune reported about a resolution passed by the Osceola Missouri City Council calling on the University of Kansas to drop the “Jayhawk” as its mascot. According to Rudy Keller (the Tribune reporter that broke the story):

“Osceola, a community of about 950 people in St. Clair County, has a message for the University of Kansas: It is time to consider dropping the mascot name “Jayhawk” and ending the school’s association with “a group of domestic terrorists.” “In a resolution the Osceola Board of Aldermen passed Tuesday — on the eve of the 150th anniversary of a Civil War raid by Kansans that destroyed the town — the city condemned “the celebration of this murderous gang of terrorists by an institution of ‘higher education’ in such a brazen and malicious manner.”

For most people, the events of Sept. 22-23, 1861, are a little-remembered episode in the larger guerrilla war in Missouri.

But the people of Osceola have never forgotten. “I grew up here, and it is all I heard about when I was attending grade school and high school,” Mayor Larry Hutsler said. “Everyone knew who was responsible.”

The reaction from the University of Kansas was short, sweet and rather uncaring, Keller quoted the KU News service director writing that, “In an emailed comment on the resolution, KU News Service Director Jill Jess said: “A Jayhawk is a blue bird with a red head and a big yellow beak that wears boots. It would be hard to confuse it with anyone with terrorist intent, though we admit we have been terrorizing the Tigers on the basketball court for some time. Tigers have been known to kill people. Bears, too.”

It is a form of hypocrisy, if you will. Hypocrisy because Kansas has always claimed the victim status in William Quantrill’s raid on Lawrence, Ks in August 1863, but few are willing to admit that Sen. Jim Lane’s “Jayhawker” raid on Osceola  was one of the major causes for the raid on Lawrence.

KU Chancellor Bernadette Gray-Little’s response was as equally tart. In a “Fireside Chat” interview with Kansan.Com (published Sept. 18, 2011) Chancellor Little, in response to be questioned about the Osceola resolution replied by saying “We considered their suggestions yesterday from 5 p.m. to 5:01 p.m. It has been taken into consideration. We are not planning on eliminating the Jayhawk name from our mascot. I hope the people of Osceola have some worthwhile things to do. And we take that suggest with the spirit in which it was sent.”

The response can certainly be described as “uncaring”. Ironic given the fact that in an article published on June 20, 2009 by the Topeka Capital-Journal ( “At the helm: Bernadette Gray-Little New chancellor plans to reduce spending while trying to get KU designated as cancer institute” ) Little was described as having a “reputation at UNC for dealing with problems in a positive, straight-forward manner” by Richard Mann, vice chancellor for finance and administration at UNC. Who stated that he had known Little for 21 1/2 years.

It is also stated in the June 20, 2009 Topeka Capital-Journal article that Little’s starting salary was to be set at ” $425,000 — $267,177 in state funds and $157,823 from private sources” One would think that the generous salary (along with her reputation for getting things done in a positive manner” , Chancellor Little would have given the issue somewhat more attention than the 60 seconds she publicly stated she devoted to the Osceola resolution.

On Monday September 19, 2011 I attempted to contact Chancellor Little regarding her views on the Osceola resolution, in the email I asked:

“Given the fact that Ole Miss University recently dropped its “Colonel” mascot due to complaints from the African-American community (which were similar to the complaints that the City of Osceola has against the KU mascot) ; What would your reaction have been if the Chancellor at Ole Miss issued a statement saying that that they considered dropping the Colonel mascot from 5:00pm-5:01 pm and that they were not going to do away with it? “

Apparently, Chancellor Little is devoting more than 60 seconds to my question, I have yet to receive a response from her- Editor

Please Contact the City of Osceola, Missouri immediately

The above video is a good representation of the war crimes committed by Kansas Jayhawkers in Osceola, Missouri in September, 1861. The City Council of Osceola, Missouri recently decided to make a bold and unusual stand by passing a resolution that asked the university of Kansas to drop its “Jayhawk” mascot because it represents the act of domestic terrorism committed by Senator Jim Lane’s “Jayhawks”.  The resolution is unusual in a sense that it is not often that a City Council takes a stand for TRUTH.

Please notify the City of Osceola and Thank them for their courage and for helping to educate the public on the true history of Missouri.

You can send correspondence by email at:

Or you can call the Mayor of Osceola personal and ask them to stand firm in their decision by dialing: 417-646-8421

It is imperative that we support the City of Osceola in their decision- Editor

Missouri was a Union state?

So many mainstream history books, historians, teachers and media outlets refer to Missouri as a “Union” or a “Border” state. However, this 1860 census map of “The South”, includes Missouri, Kentucky, Maryland and Delaware.

Note that it says “sold for the benefit of the sick and wounded soldiers of the U.S. Army”

Missouri, Kentucky, Maryland and Delaware were occupied states, forced under the heel of the federal government.

This census map was sold to raise money for sick and wounded U.S. soldiers by marketing  a map of states that it had conquered or was in the process of conquering. – Webmaster